Sunday, May 6, 2012

'Rescue/Rescuers' - An Open Letter.

'To Defend the Defenseless. To Help Those Who Can Not Help Themselves. To Protect the Innocent. To Save The Animals.' - Emphatically claimed as the goal, it is the mantra so often heard.
It is a courageous and worthy mission. It is also one that should never be taken lightly or with any thing other than true self-less-ness as the motivating factor behind every thought, every action, every deed the 'Rescuers' as individuals, as a team or an organization, perform or undertake.
As a 'Rescue/Rescuer'. If you operate from a place of, if your focus is only on 'self' and not 'other', if your motivations are, or at any time, become focused on anything BUT rescuing, saving, helping - that selfishness will corrupt the very essence of anything that you may have already or hope to accomplish, in the future.
No matter how perfectly created the facade put up, no matter how pretty the picture is painted, no matter how well kept or deeply hidden is the secret motivation behind, the truth will always come out and the consequences will not only cause all of those who believed in and stood behind you, to loose faith, it will deeply affect the very reason behind every action and deed, the animals.
Regardless of the fact that these actions are taken for a species that is non-human, your 'cause', your 'goal', is no different from any other, where the strong try to defend and protect those unable to protect or defend themselves; children, elderly, infirmed. Yet it is a responsibility that many could not fathom; 'I'd rather save a human, at least a human will know they were rescued' , one that many would not even consider undertaking - 'Just let them be put down, there are too many already” and for so many the thought 'It's just an animal' governs opinions and actions; or lack thereof.
Many do not understand the soul deep desire to defend the defenseless. They do not see the reasons to save the abused, mend the broken nor do they understand the joy felt when you are able to bring a pure spirit out of darkness that motivations and abusive acts of others [from OUR species] have placed them in and you can SEE the relief, the happiness and the thankfulness reflect in their eyes and on their faces.
Few of these individuals understand the feeling in the soul of a truly dedicated and devoted, animal guardian and rescuer. The feeling that drives them so fiercely, that motivates at times, to risk life and limb just to bring an animal out of the darkness, to be there to show them the compassion, the tenderness, the love they have never experienced at the hands of a human before and just as amazing as it is when a rescue is successful, it is heart rending when it is not.
A 'Rescuer'; regardless of what their 'cause'/'goal' may be, is one who lives through sorrow and death repeatedly, hundreds if not, thousands of times over. Every time their actions are unsuccessful - they, themselves - experience a death inside and it is because of this - whenever those "Rescuers' are successful, they experience such a surge of joy, of happiness and hope is renewed. It is a feeling that can not be explained and can not be understood, unless you experience it.
I write for those who do know, for those who are driven, every-single-day, by that desire to stand up against abuse, torment, neglect and torture of the defenseless, those for who, the only goal truly IS 'Rescue', to save all they can and to mourn those they could not.
I write this for all who wake in the morning and go to sleep every night with a soul that is full; of pain and sorrow for those lost and joy for those who were rescued.
I write because my heart - will not allow me to remain silent.
Like so many others, I am infuriated, I am disgusted, I am heartsick at the pictures, the media coverage, the horrible stories. The lies, the betrayals, the abuse, the neglect, the tortures and torment inflicted by those who are supposed to be 'helping' through; rescuing, fostering, boarding or training. The fake 'rescue' photos, donated money being pocketed and used for personal gain. The half-truths and out-right deceptions.
Greed, selfishness, torture, abuse and pettiness. These things belong only to the humans. We OWN this truth. No other species in the world exhibit these tendencies.
I am writing this to every single 'Rescuer/Rescue' wearing this title like a badge of honor and in no way deserving it. Those who; neglect, abuse or kill those entrusted to their 'care'. Those who; take money from individuals who will give their last dollar to try and help, because that is all they can do and then pocket the funds donated, for personal gain. Those who; act without reason or common sense and cause harm to the very animals they supposedly seek to save, in any manner or fashion and leave to others to 'clean up' the mess. Those who; claim their 'reason for existing' is to support 'Animal Rescue' and yet they support the killing of thousands, if not millions of animals needlessly, every year.
All of you; however big or small, from the individual to the well supported organization.
You fail. You fail. You fail. You FAIL in every aspect of what 'Rescue' truly means.
You betray every individual that places trust in you to do the RIGHT thing.
You fail when the greed to line your own pocket makes the next rescue impossible.
You fail the person who places their beloved pet in your care and that companion/best friend is lost to them because, in every way that is possible, you failed.
You fail with every lie that passes your lips just to get another dollar put in the donation jar.
You fail when you allow pettiness, immaturity and ego to take precedence over helping to save the next animal.
You fail all of those in the the Rescue community who are struggling desperately to save and help and educate as many as possible and do the right thing, not for personal gain, (everyone knows its very, very rare to find a 'Rescuer' who has money to spare loitering about in their checking account), but because it's the RIGHT thing to do, for the animals.
'Rescue' [or] 'Rescuer', a title worn by so many and truly deserved by so few.
Every article, every blog, every expose written, laying bare the 'secrets'; the greed, abuses, neglect, inhumane treatment, scams to get 'more money', every single miniscule amount of negative media, behind the hand whispers, out-right claims of lies and betrayals, all of these things impose a possible death sentence on those yet to be saved and puts another mountain in the way of those who truly seek only one thing, rescue.
The people once willing to help, to support, are now wary and will think twice or even three times, before they put that last dollar from their pocket into that donation jar, volunteer their time or buy food/beds/toys to donate, to try and DO something, do anything... and why? Because they read an article on social media, watched a news report, got an email, heard a whisper and now, they do not know who or what to believe. They really want to help the animals, but they hesitate and that hesitation can mean the difference between life and death for thousands, they just don't know WHO TO TRUST, so they don't trust any, "It's better to be safe, than sorry" right?
You cheat to further your own success with no thought beyond that. You lie. You betray trust and you steal life. You give no credence to humanity and your negativity causes the work that others do every single day, to be doubted, maligned and disputed. Your ignorance and selfish actions rip at the very fabric of an already, almost thread bare 'cause' for which so many fight every day, to make stronger.
You do a great injustice to the entire 'Animal Rescue' community. You, do not, deserve to wear the title and if you've ever spoken remotely close to - 'To act on behalf of those who cannot act for themselves, to take a stand, to guard and speak in defense of those who cannot speak for or protect themselves.' - that, without any hesitation again, You Failed.
Please remember, “What goes around, comes around” and when it does;
May your greed to line your pockets be the captain of the boat when you are adrift in a sea of debt.
May your selfishness guide you as you learn what it is, to do without.
May your abuses be the light that you must see by, as you walk in blackness of an agony equal to that which you inflicted upon those entrusted to your care and the people who loved them.
May your neglects be the sustenance that fills your belly and quenches your thirst.
May your secrets be your shade when the facade you wear is torn away and the harsh, unrelenting truth shines on you.
May your lies protect your ears when the heart wrenching cries of pain and betrayal from those entrusted to you and those who trusted you, become deafening.
May the spirits of those who have been lost or go without 'Rescue', because of your thoughtlessness, abuse, neglect, selfishness and greed, be your constant companions and shadow your every step.

Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it. - M. Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Awesome and So very, very true.


Before I was a Dog Mom,

I made and ate hot meals unmolested.

I had unstained, unfurred clothes.

I had quiet conversations on the phone,

even if the doorbell rang.


Before I was a Dog Mom:

I slept as late as I wanted

And never worried about how late I got to bed

or if I could get into my bed.

Before I was a Dog Mom:

I cleaned my house every day.

I never tripped over toys, stuffies, chewies

Or invited the neighbor's dog over to play.

Before I was a Dog Mom:

I didn't worry if my plants, cleanser, plastic bags,

toilet paper, soap or deodorant were poisonous or dangerous.

Before I was a Dog Mom:

I had never been peed on

Pooped on

Drooled on

Chewed on

Or pinched by puppy teeth.


Before I was a Dog Mom:

I had complete control of

My thoughts,.

My body and mind.

I slept all night without sharing the covers

or pillow.


Before I was a Dog Mom:

I never looked into big, soulful eyes and cried.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces

when I couldn't stop a hurt.

I never knew something so furry and four-legged

could affect my heart so deeply.

Before I was a Dog Mom:

I had never held a sleeping puppy just because I

couldn't put it down.

I had never gotten up in the middle of the night

every 10 minutes to make sure all was well.

I didn't know how warm it feels inside to feed a

hungry puppy.

I didn't know that something so small could make me

feel so important.

Before I was a Dog Mom:

I had never known the warmth,

the joy,

the love,

the heartache,

the wonderment

or the satisfaction of being

A Dog Mom.
Author Unknown

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catching up & Venting a bit.

I haven't blogged in a bit.... So much going on here lately it's been hard to take the time to organize my thoughts and put them down. I have been spending a lot of time on Facebook lately, I have commented there quite abit, it's easy to get caught up in the emotions that run rampant out there. So many people across Facebook who love animals, what confuses me I think is if we are such an animal loving Nation, how do these acts of cruelty and neglect happen so damn often?

How do these shelters & rescues who are supposed to be helping the animals get away with these acts of neglect, curelty and abuse? Why do the employees not come forward, speak out? How do the neighbors NOT notice when something doesn't feel or look right?

The daily abuse and neglect across this nation is mind-boggling and heartbreaking. It's overwhelming if you let yourself sit and just contemplate and realize that each minute that passes, somewhere an animal is suffering and you can do nothing to prevent or stop it.

I am not much for comics, but the other day after reading of yet another animal abuse case in Ohio, I wished for a bit that there was a group of SuperHeroes to save the animals and punish the people who so desperately deserve it.

I read the articles about the Shelters, I see the news stories & videos of people abusing, torturing, slaughtering, I see the petitons to save animals, to end abuse and cruelty..... I get emotionally drained, I cry like I would never cry hearing the same about instances of similiar happening to human beings and I wonder what that says about me. I strive to be compassionate toward all living things, to understand others and see the good in all people and not to judge others, but I have a VERY hard time when it comes to those human beings who place no value on an animals life, who committ atrocities on the animals they see as worthless, disposable and I have such rage that boils inside of me, it is like I am watching a bully tormenting one they see as weaker, I want to grab them and put them in so much pain they cannot fathom it will ever end.

I do not want to kill them, I want to make them suffer, deeply. I get angry when I hear of the ridiculous sentencees these beasts get for their acts of in humane cruelty and neglect, I want to do unimaginable things to them which make them cry out in agony. 

I strive for compassion, but I feel like I fail so much of the time when it comes to abusers.

One thing I do know, I am far from a pacifist and I would not hestiate were I given the chance, to inflict great amounts of pain on a human being who would touch someone or something they saw as weaker than themselves or without value.

It is like I feel their suffering, their fear, their confusion and from the deepest place within my soul, I want to do everything I can to end it and I can not, which kills a small part of me inside every moment I realize that I can not save them all, that until we unite as a Nation and DEMAND changes from ourselves and our Officials, many will die needlessly.

It's too much to think about sometimes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chesterfields Shame

Friday, March 4, 2011


Mom is out of the hospital and back home. She has weak heart muscle and for some reason her thyroid is acting up, but medications can fix that. Thank goodness.

Cinnabun is almost fully back to her old self. She still flinches from time to time, but nothing like she was doing when we first brought her home, another thank goodness. I am still angered by the result of her visit to the HS, but I am glad she's bounding back.

Patchi & Mischi are all better now from their spaying and all of the other munchkins are doing better, sneezing has all but stopped, the Vet tech I went to see said more than likely they had shared a cold, told me what to watch for and said they should be fine.

We've decided to start looking for another house, something with some land so we can have more run room for the babies and so we can put a building on it for my fella to have room to work on the autos that people are bringing him, his work is picking up (Thank Goodness to that too!) so he needs more than the smallish garage we have now.

Work calls so I am off for now.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

If only tears could change the world.

I see; the photos, the videos, the articles about you all, surviving; not living, just surviving, captured, held inside cold metal cages, chained out in the elements, forgotten or worse - held by heavy chains, rusty wire with barbs. The scars from neglect, abuse and torments covering your bodies and faces, the lack of affection, food and proper human caring reflected in your soulful eyes and my heart grows heavy, my eyes fill and overflow with the agony of it and the knowledge that despite how you're made to suffer, every day you wake, you are willing to forgive and to trust us again.

I feel your pain, loneliness and fear, I want to scream - for you. I want to raise my voice over the drone of daily life that makes it easy to push the truth of it all to the background and not think about it, to open the eyes of the self absorbed, slice open the bubbles of ignorance so many live in; are insulated by, kick down the walls of isolation that shield so many from the horrid truth about that cute little puppy they just spent $800.00 to purchase, the facts about what that angels brothers and sisters are enduring, hidden away from that brightly lit, immaculately clean pet store - reveal the bare, nasty truth of the abuse, neglect and tortures that take place every day, sometimes, just a few miles away or less from their own picturesque lives.

I want to free you; save you from from the heavy chains, the ties, the cages, that filthy crate and too small stall. I want to show you a different reality from that which you suffer at the hands of we - careless, selfish, ignorant human beings. I want to gentle you, calm your racing heart, caress you whispering softly that you will be fine and know - in my heart - that you will.

I hurt for you angel. I fear for you, I wish my tears and the millions shed for you every day by so many who feel the same way, could change your worlds right now - I wish they could make it stop NOW, so not another one of you would ever feel betrayed by those who are supposed to take care of and love you.

If only our tears could change the world....

I apologize angel, deeply, truly and sincerely from the bottom of my soul, for each day we cannot rescue all of you, for every moment you must suffer because the tears we shed, are not enough to make it stop, for those of you who will die today, because tears are not enough to save you.

For all of this and so much more, I am sorry.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Catching Up

It's been a few days. My precious Mom was rushed to the hospital the other afternoon from her Dr's office. She was there for a follow up to a visit the week before, she's been having trouble breathing and the Dr. said she had a too much fluid around her lungs and heart, possible congestive heart failure, so he had her on medication and she was back in the office for a follow up to that visit, while there her heart rate was 188bpm.

We've spent the last two days once I get off work, going over to her house to feed her angels and make sure things were done around there before going to the Hospital. They put her in ICU to stablize her heart rate, last night the nurse told me they were going to put her into a room on the 4th floor once they had one open and ready, so that is a good sign. Mom said my sister Cid and her Hubby Bill are coming in to town today from North Carolina, they can't stay overnight, but they wanted to drive down and see Mom for the day.

The bond I share with Mom is amazing, I adore her and am so proud that she and Dad chose to adopt me into their amazing family 41 years ago. I have never once had difficulty with the knowledge that I am adopted, all of us were adopted except my oldest brother, who is Moms only biological child and he was adopted by Dad when he and Mom married. The story of Mom and Dad, is a truly beautiful and funny story, a real life, true love story that never fails to make me smile when I think about it. One day I will have more time and possibly will retell it here, I think it is one that is worth sharing with the people who may read this now or come across this blog one day.

I admit, I was terrified when that call came from my Aunt, well she had my counsin call and tell me they were transporting Mom to the Hospital, either way my heart stopped beating for a moment, I was scared, very scared. Mom is 74 and has not stopped as long as I have been alive, she still works a full time job, she tends to her house, her angels which consist of 3 featheredangels, 3 woofie angels and 2 meowangels (with a few strays who wander but always return to get a good meal and warm place to snuggle in one of the warm spots Mom has created in her carport for them to find and lounge in.

My fella about dropped over the night before Mom's Dr appt, we went by to visit Mom and there was a young possum on top of this counter/storage that Mom keeps in the carport with one crate for the cats to sleep in, a couple of bowls for food and water, misc gardening stuff kept in cabinet underneath etc, anyway we pulled up and there was a young possum, sitting on top of the cat crate just as cute as could be, so we walked up there my Fella was weary, eyeing the little guy warning me to be careful, stay away from it or it would bite and I just knew that wasn't true, to I slowly walked over to him, talking softly and started petting his tail and lower back, he looked at me but never once moved to bite.

My fella stood there with this look of astonishment on his face saying "I can not believe you are doing that, hell I can't BELIEVE he is letting you pet him, I have NEVER seen a wild possum who let anyone get close to them, let alone PET them like that!"

I laughed and he went inside (to tattletale to my mom I soon learned) while I spoon fed the possum some wet cat food before I set the small container in front of him so he could finish eating, I had a talk with him while I fed him, advising him to stay away from roads and the big machines with spinning tires that go along those roads, animals bigger then him with bigger teeth, I named him "Bert" and told him to not come around when the cats were around because I didn't want any one getting into a fight or hurting one another, then I decided it was time to leave Bert to him dinner and went inside the house.

THAT is when I found out that my Fella had tattled on me to Mom, who sat with this look on her face, her eyes staring holes through me as she said "WHY are you feeding possums in my carport?? That's going to encourage him to bring friends and family over to eat and I cannot afford to feed my babies and  a whole family of possums! AND I don't want them to fight with my cats!"

Needless to say, Mom was not happy with me or Bert, but I didn't care - I was happy he got a good meal and I made a new furangel friend, my fella is still muttering about my petting Bert, but I am just ignoring him now.

I miss Mom, I want her home and not in the hospital. I am scared and trying hard not to let it show.

Work calls. More babble to come later.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ignorance is bliss

I challenge that idea. Ignorance is not now nor will it ever be, bliss.

The truth is rarely pretty, but damn it, it is what is needed.
Face the truth and as they say, the truth shall set you free.

Sorry. I 've been dealing with a bad situation with trying to rescue a pregnant Mommy pit in a less than stellar neighborhood and I haven't stopped thinking about the entire pitbull situation.

It is not the breed who is dangerous, it is the OWNERS.

WAKE UP America. Get Smart! Stop being Ignorant. Educate yourselves.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sneezing, Sneezing, Sneezing

It started with patchi & mischi, a few little sneezes here and there. Now everyone is sneezing. I am going to call the vet and see what I need to do, see if I need to bring them all in to be checked.

I am a little worried, never had this happen before.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finn, Sassi, Cinni are fixed & this 2 Legged Momma is less than thrilled.

Finn & Sassi are doing well........ One thing that makes me pause however, the fact that when I went to pick them up at the Humane Society, a younger worker turned to me after she brought my Finn man out giving the leash to my fella who stepped out to take Finn to the car, stating with a very kind smile, "You will need to come back and get Sassi & Cinni, they won't let us take them out of the crates." I could understand my needing to get Sassi, she is a little fiesty thing who doesn't mind barking at people, but she's not aggressive, but Cinni ..... my little Cinnabun? Cinni is docile, has always had the sweetest, most calm energy around people and other animals, so hearing this made me pause. I shifted a bit, looked at the young woman for a moment, looking straight into her eyes before I asked "Cinni is acting up? That is very unusual for her, did something happen?".... The young lady averted her eyes for just a half a second then back to me, gave me a slight smile and started saying "No, they are just being a little testy, they didn't want us touching them." At which time an older woman interrupted and stated with a more than slight tone "They aren't socialized at all (umm...excuse me? you are wrong there.); they weren't being very accepting of our touching them"....

This womans tone made my brows raise, I turned my eyes to the woman and I could feel the clash of energy when I looked directly at her and my eyes did not waver when she puffed up a bit and shot me a look of icy assumption, she looked away and I let my eyes remain on her as I spoke with the young woman who had by this time started to look a bit nervous. "That is unusual for Cinnabun, she has never exhibited any aggression toward people. I apologize but find it difficult to believe she was testy unless of course (my eyes remained on the older woman as I said this) she was treated roughly, bringing her defensiveness out. Then yes, I could see that. Take me to my dogs, please." The older woman stiffened and opened the door to the backroom, leading me and my fella who had returned as I was talking and had turned to look at me, his own brows slowing beginning to raise, through the door and into the small narrow hallways where they had crates stacked on top of one another with angels waiting to be picked up.

We took a few steps around the corner and there was Cinnabun, standing at the crate door, trembling softly and directly across from her was Sassifrassie laying in her crate with a look of confusion on her face, neither one seemed to still be groggy from the surgery, which made me start to wonder, but I said nothing as they opened the crates and urged us to get the babies out.

My fella lifted Cinnabun from her crate, she made no sound, didn't move a muscle when he put her on the floor, she just had this odd very far off stare going on and she sat on the floor trembling like she was freezing, this crawled all over me, she'd never looked like that, never.

I squatted down talking to her and she didn't even blink, just kept this far off stare and trembled. Right away I knew, Cinnabun had, had a less than stellar experience and looking up at Sassi, she was not happy either.  Sassi didn't make a sound but neither would she move out of that crate.

I tried to coax her out, my fella also tried to get her to move, but she just looked at us, with these soft eyes that said "This was not a fun time Mommy." I tried again to reach in and lift her out, she threw her legs out straight and wouldn't budge, the crate was on top of another larger crate, making manuvering a little difficult and the older woman who stood impatiently in the hallway stepped over saying "Here, we need to get them out so we can go help the rest of the people picking up their animals" she stepped over and reaching into the crate, tried to grab Sassi and lift her out, Sassi growled at this woman making the woman recoil and I stepped up, almost snarling at the woman myself, snapping. "Don't! I will get her out, put the crate on the floor."

So we set the crate on the floor and still Sassi would not budge, so the younger tech gave the leash and I hooked it on Sassi, urging her out of the crate, she wasn't moving. I was getting more angered, neither of these angels had ever not come to me or my fella, the older woman went to grab the leash and the younger woman who I think could tell if that woman had touched the leash I may have just reached out and touched her, took the leash and pulled Sassi from the crate Sassi came out of the crate with more than a little to do and my fella moved the crate back up to the other.

We headed out into the main room, but Cinni would not walk, she didn't pul or balk, she did nothing. She sat there with that stare on her face until finally my fella handed me SassiFrass' leash and picked Cinnabun up, carrying her outside as I said thank you to the other techs and looked daggers at the old woman who was glaring at Sassi as we walked toward the door. It took quite a lot for me not to turn my razored tongue on that woman, but I refrained and said a warm thank you to the other techs and we left.

My fella had put Cinnabun down to let her go potty before we put her in the car, but again she would not move, she didn't respond when we said her name and barely blinked when we tried loving on her, the ride home was quiet, Finna & Sassi both sleeping, but Cinni remained in that far off "daze" state all the way home, my fella had to carry her into the house. She has gotten a little better since being home, but she still isn't herself. Cinnabun was changed by that experience which breaks this Mommas' heart in two, I am working with her again with a leash but she flinched when I reached out to pet her when we arrived home, something she has never done before, she actually flinched like I was going to hit her, something we never have done and would never do.

The entire thing, makes me infuriated. We will work with our baby and she will be fine, but the entire situation makes me just have to wonder.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vick on Oprah

I simply can not believe it.

Oprah has fans with hearts breaking all over the country.

PETA, ASPCA, Best Friends & HSUS vs. Recues & Rescuers

Aren't we all supposed to be working toward the SAME end?
Do we ALL not want to save the animals?
Don't we ALL want to STOP the abuse and neglect of the animals?
Is that NOT what ALL Animal Lovers, Protectors and Guardians work toward and fight for?

Then WHY am I reading all of these horrible things about each one of these organizations that makes me want to vomit? That they are all in bed together, that they are working against rescues and they are ALL
killing animals by the thousands, that PETA is one of the worst offenders?

WHY am I reading that the President of the HSUS backs Michael Vick getting another pet? WHY am I reading that PETA has destroyed thousands of animals for no reason? That they refuse, REFUSE you read that correctly, to back a law that will allow animals on the kill list to be saved?

WHY? Why? why? Why? I want to know. I truly want to know WHY.

Something is very, very wrong if ANY of this that is being said, is true. Something very, very deeply, down to the soul WRONG.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Earlybird Angels

My babies have adopted my schedule, even on my day off! LOL 4:10am I had Aries & Loki both standing beside the bed, Aries laid his little face on my pillow and Loki put his paw on my side. I opened one eye and there was Aries, staring right at me. LOL I chuckled and pulled the blankets up over my head, muttering something about wanting to sleep later. Aries always the little persistant furbaby stuck his face under the edge of the comforter and nuzzled my chin. It was obviously time to get up, despite my obvious reluctance, so up I got.

Heading out of the bedroom, I was met in the hallway by the rest of the menagerie, Leo, Sass, Cinn, Seamus, Finn and the meowie crew except for Patchi and Mischi who are still caged healing from the surgeries.

Despite the early hour, its been a wonderful morning and now the babies are excersized, fed and snoozing once again while momma is yawning and wishing she was still sleeping too!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gotta LOVE Jamie Lee Curtis

The coward Mr. Conklin did nothing to own up to this horrible act taking place at his farm and He was not charged with anything at all.

Conklin Dairy Farm, you should be SHUTDOWN.


I watched a video or a portion of a video, I couldn't watch it entirely. It was about an Ohio Dairy Farm that was abusing their cows. I literally got physically sick as I watched the first 30 seconds of this video. I could fee every blow they landed on the poor cows, every kick, punch.

You can hear the workers talking, laughing and joking about beating the animals.

The Owner, was participating. This business is still in business. How can this be?

Hell has a special place for people like this, I know that, I can feel it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011